BIOMUTANT is an open-world, post-apocalyptic Kung-Fu fable RPG, with a unique martial arts styled combat system allowing you to mix melee, shooting and mutant ability action. A plague is ruining the land and the Tree-of-Life is bleeding death from its roots. Explore a world in turmoil and define its fate.
● The martial arts style combat system allows you maximum freedom of movement and agility while mixing shooting, melee and powers from your mutations.
● You’ll be able to re-code your genetic structure to change the way you look and play.
● You are totally free when crafting weapons. Mix and match parts to create your own unique 1H or 2H slash and crush weapons. Revolvers, rifles and shotguns and add modifications like cork-screws and battery-powered chainsaw modules to bio-contaminated sludge vials adding to your combat arsenal.
● You are totally free when equipping your character.
● You are free to explore the world and what lies beneath its surface, by foot, mech, jet-ski, air-balloon or area unique mounts. Explore the dying wildland, the tunnels and bunker networks of the underworld, and find your way up the mountains or out in the archipelago.
● Your actions play a major part in the unfolding of a story where End is coming to the New World. The Tribes stand divided, in need of someone strong enough to unite them or bring them all down.
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