Allows Sims to create Vampires with different powers and weaknesses. A new residential world with five lots, Forgotten Hollow, is also introduced. The pack also comes with a new aspiration, new lot traits and numerous CAS and Build mode items that fit the darker Vampire theme.
Earn and wield dozens of unique Powers that give vampires the ability to control Sims’ minds and conjure spiritual energy with The Sims 4 Vampires Game Pack.
Create a variety of vampires using all-new tools and unlock unique Powers that give your Sims supernatural abilities. Escape to Forgotten Hollow, build a lair, and hang out with other immortals.
Your Vampire Sims will have great options to increase their Vampire Rank, including duelling, reading Vampire lore and being mentored by other Vampires. Increasing their Vampire Rank unlocks an assortment of unique supernatural Powers. Mutate into a bat to travel, control Sim's minds, slip into the darkness, wield vampiric strength, and more! But take heed, with every up, comes a down. And as powers are unlocked, you must also choose weaknesses to maintain balance.
Thin skinned Vampires will find themselves with extra flammable skin, which can sure make going out into the sunlight difficult. Sims who don't want to treat their friends as lunch can choose to drink from the Plasma fruit. Meanwhile, other Sims could suffer from uncontrollable hissing, which always makes for an awkward social situation…
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